Postcard Fantastic

Anthropomorphic postcard by John Byron


Anthropomorphic postcard by John Byron

Jonh Byron
  • Hibou
  • Corbeau
  • Bouledogue
  • Cerf
  • Lièvre
  • Sanglier
  • Corneille
  • Vautour - The Watcher
  • Chat - The romantic
  • Walkyrie - Chouette
  • Harpie - The Harpy


Anthropomorphic postcard by John Byron

2 models:
- the Deer
- the Bulldog

" Anthropomorphisme is a recurring art in 18th century, and we find number of examples through the illustrated literature, as well as the paintings of masters. Dogs, cats, but also and especially animals of the hunting, even the farm, so adorn themselves with ceremonial dresses, and strike the pose, so giving a surrealist counterpart to a too strict rigorism of the portrait of this period, and revealing the indestructible and natural link between the Man and the Animal. "

"John Byron"

Size: 10X15cm