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Leopard gecko - Wet specimen in fluid - Eublepharis...
Leopard gecko
Wet specimen in fluid
Eublepharis macularius
Wet specimen in fluid
Tenrec - Wet specimen in fluid - Tenrecidae
Madagascar's small insectivorous mammal
The jar in which it is contained measures approximately 11cm in height and 6cm in diameter.
The glass stopper is blocked and sealed with a silicone gasket.
The vial contains no formalin, as specimen fixation is carried out prior to preparation. Contains isopropanol. Does not move over time. A few crystals of thymol have also been added to the preparation to combat mold.
The specimens are not killed for this purpose
Leopard gecko
Wet specimen in fluid
Eublepharis macularius
Museum jar - Wet specimen
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Red-eared slider turtle
Wet specimen in fluid
Trachemys scripta elegans
Bearded dragon - Pogona vitticeps - Bearded agama
Museum jar - Wet specimen
Domestic pig
Wet specimen in fluid
Sus scrofa domesticus
Museum jar - Wet specimen
Scorpion (Butus occitanus)