Red-eared slider turtle - Wet specimen in fluid -...
Red-eared slider turtle
Wet specimen in fluid
Trachemys scripta elegans
Jar Museum - Amphisbaenians
Jar Museum so called flute.
Old glass jar filled with formalin. Closed hermetically.
Comes from the old "Comptoir Central d'Histoire Naturelle" of PARIS. So called Establishment Boubée.
House which disappeared in 2014.
This flute dates years 20-40 and its specimen of Comatule is always intact.
Comatule is a fascinating species which has the peculiarity not to be fixed at the bottom of the sea by a stalk, but to be equipped with cirrus (kind of long articulated and claws fingers), which allow them to crawl and to hang on to object or even other species. They can so hang on to a gorgon for example.
We notice very well these famous articulated and claws fingers which allow them to crawl.
We find comatules in most of the seas and the oceans of the world, in all the ranges of temperature and depth.
A glass plate inside the flute prevents the specimen from floating and also allows better one study by sticking the comatule to walls.
One nick on the base.
Height 19.5cm
Diameter of the base 7.5cm. Diameter of the tube: 4.2cm
No shipping