Anatomical plate: " Traité complet de l'Anatomie de l'Homme " by Dr Bourgery and draughtsman Jacob -1844
The plates are taken from the monumental work of Dr Bourgery who occupied there the last 15 years of his life to realize it: Complete treatise of the anatomy of man, including surgical anatomy and surgical medicine.
Unanimously recognized for the finesse of his drawings by the Professor of anatomical drawing Jacob, pupil of the famous painter of the Revolution, David.
Our anatomical plates are all taken from Volume Volume 3 - 1844 edition.
The plates are all taken from Volume Three of the 1844 edition
Plate 94: Anastomoses périphériques des deux systèmes nerveux splanchniques et cérébro-spinal
Plate 99: Connexions du Grand Sympathique avec les nerfs rachidiens
Plate 58: Nerfs cutanés du membre thoracique
Plate 59: Nerfs musculaires du bras
Plate 49: Anatomie microscopique du nerf pneumo-gastrique
Good condition, always bright colors. Some rare foxing.
In-Folio: 43x32cm
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