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Entomological Box - Hamadryas Amphinome - 9x12cm
Entomological box - 9x12cm
Hamadryas Amphinome
Entomological box - 9x12cm
Hamadryas Amphinome
Entomological box - Butterfly Parides eurimedes
Entomological frame - Morpho Didius
Entomological frame
Species: Papilio Ulysses butterfly
Entomological Box - Heliconius melpomene butterfly
Entomological box
2 Morpho didius butterflies
Peacock swallowtail - Papilio Blumei butterfly
Entomological box with black background
Dimensions: 18.5x18.5cm
Butterfly bell - Size S
Species: Cithaerias merolina butterfly from Ecuador
Butterflies composition
Entomological box 26x39cm
Composed of butterflies: Morpho didius - Cymothoe sangaris - Junonia rhadama
Entomological frame
Species: Morpho Didius butterfly from Peru
Entomology bound box
Butterfly: Papilio Antimachus also known as Giant African Swallowtail
The Antimachus is a toxic and enigmatic butterfly
Entomological box
Butterflies: Asian Papilio
Papilio ulysses - Papilio blumei - Papilio maackii
Entomological frame
Species: Morpho Didius butterfly
Entomological box - Butterfly
Salamis cacta from Madagascar
Size: 12x15cm