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Canadian Cougar Skull - Puma Skull - Puma concolor - Sold with its CITES import permit


Canadian Cougar Skull - Puma Skull

puma concolor

You must live in the European Union to buy this skull - Not for sale outside the European Union

Sold with its CITES import permit


Canadian Cougar Skull - Puma Skull

The puma (Puma concolor), also known as the mountain lion or cougar in Canada, is a carnivorous mammal belonging to the felidae family.

It is a solitary animal that lives in America. Difficult to observe, it resembles a leopard without spots, which explains why it is sometimes referred to as a panther.

The skull is sold with its CITES import permit, as it is a regulated species.

Can't be sold outside the European Union

Origin: Canada (British Columbia)

Size: Approx. 22x15cm

They are wild animals that have lived in freedom, so some skulls may have missing teeth or teeth that are worn, cracked or broken.

These animals lived in Canada and were harvested by trappers according to the international humane trapping standards in force between Canada and the European Union.

You must live in the European Union to buy this skull - Not for sale outside the European Union

In the last photo, the cougar skull is next to a cat skull.