European Mole skull in box - Talpa europaea
European mole skull in box
Talpa europaea
Plexiglass box with black background
Red-necked wallaby - Bennett's wallaby Skull
Macropus rufogriseus
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc... They are wild animals that have lived in freedom, so some skulls may have missing teeth or teeth that are worn, cracked or broken.
Red-necked wallaby - Bennett's wallaby Skull
Macropus rufogriseus
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc... They are wild animals that have lived in freedom, so some skulls may have missing teeth or teeth that are worn, cracked or broken.
Size: around 12cm
All skulls are different - Illustration photo
European mole skull in box
Talpa europaea
Plexiglass box with black background
Walrus skull
Odobenus rosmarus
Origin: Canada (British Columbia)
The skull is sold with its CITES import permit as it is a regulated species.
Can't be sold outside the European Union
The skull is simply placed on the base
Racoon Skull from Canada
Procyon lotor
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes caused by shotgun pellets, etc...
Golden Hamster skull in box
Mesocricetus auratus
Plexiglass box with black background
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
House mouse skull in box
Mus musculus
Plexiglass box with black background
Nutria skull - Coypu skull- Myocastor coypus
Illustration pictures
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc...
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes etc...
Hardnose shark jaw - Carcharhinus macloti
Approximately 33cm high and 35cm wide
Articulated skeleton of a rabbit's foot
Antique mounting - JEULIN
Beech marten Skull - Martes foina
Illustration pictures
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc...
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes etc...
Brown rat skull in box
Rattus norvegicus
Plexiglass box with black background
Fisher skull (Marten) of Canada
Martes pennanti
Fox Skull
Vulpes vulpes
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes caused by shotgun pellets, etc...
Australian marine crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area
American pine marten skull
Martes americana
From Canada
Red-necked wallaby - Bennett's wallaby Skull
Macropus rufogriseus
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc... They are wild animals that have lived in freedom, so some skulls may have missing teeth or teeth that are worn, cracked or broken.