Botanical Plate - By Duchesne - Atlas des plantes utiles du Globe - 1846 - Color lithograph


Botany plate by Édouard-Adolphe Duchesne

From the Atlas du Répertoire des plantes utiles et des plantes du globe published in 1846 

19th-century color lithograph

Botanique - Duchesne - 1846
  • Hypociste parasite
  • Hypoxylon digité
  • Salicaire commune
  • Pistachier cultivé
  • Statice sinué
  • Gesse tubéreuse
  • Bryone dioïque
  • Plantin à grosses racines
  • Cotylédon d'Espagne
  • Passérine velue
  • Conferve hispide
  • Renouée maritime
  • Véronique officinale
  • Grassete vulgaire
  • Olivier cultivé
  • Morgeline en ombelle
  • Blette en tête
  • Salicorne herbacée
  • Aristoloche ronde
  • Casse séné
  • Clathre grillé
  • Globulaire turbite
  • Prêle des bourbiers
  • Galega officinal
  • Cuphraise officinale
  • Daphnégarou
  • Laurier commun
  • Chalef à feuilles ouvertes
  • Primevère officinale
  • Casse séné Pl 113


Botanical Plate - Atlas of the Repertory of Useful Plants and Plants of the Globe published in 1846

Antique botanical lithographs revived in 19th-century painting.

They are taken from the Atlas du Répertoire des plantes utiles et des plantes du globe published in 1846 by Édouard-Adolphe Duchesne.

Please take a good look at the photos, as all the plates have been photographed.

They are old and sometimes have defects, such as missing parts, cuts, stains, soiling and foxing.

Size of plates: approx. 20.5x11.5cm

You buy 1 engraving, not the whole set