L'Albert Moderne ou nouveaux secrets éprouvées et licites - Grimoire book of 1768
by Pons Augustin Alletz
Published by Veuve Duchesne, Bookseller rue St Jacques, Au temple du Goût
"L'Albert Moderne" - Book of 1768
Published by the Veuve Duchesne, Bookseller rue St Jacques, Au temple du Goût
By Pons Augustin Alletz (1703-1785)
In his preface he forbids himself to reproduce the secrets that challenge reason or those that could be misused.
He thus stands out completely from the Grand Albert, whose sulphurous name he borrows, which was a grimoire of popular magic very widespread in the countryside despite its prohibition by the Church.
Pons uses the aura of the Grand Albert to sell his Modern Albert but remaining much wiser.
The volume is divided into three parts: secrets for health, secrets useful for various subjects, secrets for approval.
The book is filled with many amazing recipes that range from care for the horns to the feet, healing from cancer, recipes that allow to vary the colors of the roses, the way to make a natural dial to know what time it is without watch or dial etc...
Bound in full leather, 5 ribbed spine with title page - 10x17 cm
24 pages numbered in roman numerals including the preface and the table of contents + 430 pages.
The interior is fresh and free of foxing.
Happy reading!