Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles - 1782 - By Chomel
Summary of the history of common plants
"A summary of the history of common plants, in which their different names are given, both French and Latin; the way to use them, the dose and the main pharmaceutical compositions in which they are used."
By Pierre-Jean-Baptiste CHOMEL
Printed in Paris by Les Libraires Associés in 1782.
Full leather binding, marbled paper endpapers.
This book classifies the plants according to their therapeutic qualities:
Purgative plants - Bechic - Hysteric - Alexiterian - Alterative - Cephalic - Stomachic - Febrifuge - Carminative - Astringent Vulnerable - Aperitive - Refreshing etc. .
Interesting book linking botany and pharmacopoeia
Alphabetical table of French names of plants, table of Latin names and table of diseases whose treatment requires the use of these plants, at the end of the volume
Dimensions: 20.5x13cm - 650 pages
No illustrations
Freckles - Corners and caps dull