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Boule de Nancy in it's pharmacy box - Genuine Mars...

Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball

This iron-containing ball was once considered a miracle cure for many ailments and injuries.

The Boule de Nancy is sold individually in a small antique drugstore box

Unavailable today

Price €160.00

Antique twisted absinthe glass - Ref C

Antique twisted absinthe glass 

Ref C

The twists on the glass are used to measure out the absinthe liquor and then pour the water over the sugar on the absinthe spoon on the glass to soften the bitterness of the drink.

Price €24.00

Human body - Anatomy and physiology - With stackable...

Anatomie et physiologie du Corps humain

Anatomy and physiology of the human body

With loose-leaf colour plates, cut out and superimposed

From 1921

By Etienne RABAUD

Adhesive tape was used a long time ago to make repairs to the moving parts of certain plates, particularly the man plate, as can be seen in the photos.

Price €185.00