Morphine oil - Antique glass medicine jar - 19th century
Morphine oil
Antique glass medicine jar with spout under a bell
19th century
There are 40 products.
Morphine oil
Antique glass medicine jar with spout under a bell
19th century
Syringe for antidiphtheria serum: Dr Roux's method
Metal box containing a syringe - Early 20th century
Doctor Louis Jubé pure blood transfusion syringe
For arm-to-arm transfusions
In its metal box
Around 1925/1930
Antique gilded bronze paper-knife in the shape of a bird's leg clutching a feather
Period XIXth century
Antique brass drum microscope with a magnifying glass on an articulated arm
XIXth century
Without box
Toothpaste - Antique apothecary
Porcelain pot with illustrated plastic lid
Early 20th century - Caution the lid is cracked
Antique painted plywood panel
Skull and crossbones with barbed wire
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model B - 1 year
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model A - 9 months
Antique metal bladder syringe of Dr Guyon
Beginning of XXth century
Entomological BLACK frame
Species: Samia cynthia - Ailanthus silkmoth from France
Entomological white frame
Species: Papilio Maackii butterfly