Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus - 18/20cm
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Cleoniceras fern ammonite
100 million year old fossil
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Fossil of Ammonite "fern" from Madagascar which has been sawn and polished to show the interior of this ammonite with its different internal partitions.
These partitions having been invested by crystals or sediments.
Cleoniceras ammonite from the Albian period, about 100 million years ago.
Ammonites are an extinct subclass of cephalopod molluscs, as are nautiluses today.
They were characterised by a more or less coiled univalve shell of which only the last compartment was occupied by the animal, the other compartments serving to control its buoyancy.
Diameter approx. 12cm
Sold without stand
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Ex-Voto heart in clay by Cuore di Argilla
Italy crafts
A contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional ex-voto, originally a votive offering made to a god in request of a grace or in thanks for a grace obtained after a vow.
Entomological composition of beetles
27 specimens make up this picture
Black entomological box with gold fillet, hand-crafted by an bookbinder craftsman in Anjou
Entomological frame - Scarab Goliathus meleagris female with spread wings
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Cleoniceras fern ammonite
100 million year old fossil
184: Helleborus orientalis - Lenten Rose
Real framed and calligraphed Herbarium
The Skeleton Virgin
Large candle: 40cm high
In soy wax
Entomological box
Composition with South American butterflies
Morpho and heliconius
Very large naturalist magnifier
Species: Papilio Ulysses butterfly from Indonesia
Dragon Stone
Septaria egg of Madagascar
Flight of Butterflies Morpho didius under a Napoleon III style bell
Superb butterflies in an impressive electric blue
Entomological frame
Scarab Goliathus meleagris male with spread wings
Australian saltwater crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area
Hardnose shark jaw - Carcharhinus macloti
Approximately 33cm high and 35cm wide
Anatomical articulated skinning
Paper-cardboard articulated mannequin
Human skeleton