Sawn ammonite from Madagascar - Cleoniceras fern ammonite - Fossil 100 million years old - AS70
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Cleoniceras fern ammonite
100 million year old fossil
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Fossil of Ammonite "fern" from Madagascar which has been sawn and polished to show the interior of this ammonite with its different internal partitions.
These partitions having been invested by crystals or sediments.
Cleoniceras ammonite from the Albian period, about 100 million years ago.
Ammonites are an extinct subclass of cephalopod molluscs, as are nautiluses today.
They were characterised by a more or less coiled univalve shell of which only the last compartment was occupied by the animal, the other compartments serving to control its buoyancy.
Diameter approx. 13cm
Sold without stand
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger - Papuan handicraft
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicraft
Papilio Antimachus - Giant African Swallowtail - Toxic...
Entomology bound box
Butterfly: Papilio Antimachus also known as Giant African Swallowtail
The Antimachus is a toxic and enigmatic butterfly
The Anatomy by Heister - 1735 - Complete with its 14...
The Anatomy by Heister
Complete with its 14 folding boards at the end of the book
Published in 1735
Naturalist Magnifier - Yellow-edged giant owl butterfly -...
Naturalist Magnifier: caligo atreus
Shark tooth fossil - Otodus Obliquus - Ref DF2
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Aïtos Protective ancestor totem from Timor with crocodile...
Aïtos Protective ancestor totem from Timor (Indonesia) with crocodile effigy
Column statue from Indonesia
Mounted on base: 2.70m high
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé circa 1930 - Inconnue...
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé, circa 1930
Anatomical skin
In vulcanized and painted rubber
Inspired by the famous death mask from L'Inconnue de la Seine
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger - Papuan handicraft
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicraft
"Tarnier" Forceps - Collin: manufacturer of surgical...
"Tarnier" Forceps - COLLIN: french manufacturer of surgical instruments
Plant fossil: Pecopteris Fern - 300 million years old -...
Plant fossil: Pecopteris Fern - 300 million years old
From the Carboniferous of Lorraine
Steampunk napeocles and salamis glass bell
Steampunk Flight of butterflies Napeocles Jucunda et Salamis Parhassus
341: Pelargonium - Pink capitatum - Real framed and...
184: Helleborus orientalis - Lenten Rose
Real framed and calligraphed Herbarium
Entomological box: Heliocopris dominus
Entomological box containing a beetle
Species: Heliocopris dominus
Australian saltwater crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus...
Australian saltwater crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area