Dragon Stone - Septaria egg of Madagascar - OSM62


Dragon Stone

Septaria egg of Madagascar

It's huge!


Septaria Madagascar egg

Also known as Dragon Stone

Septaria is a stone composed of a mixture of yellow calcite and sandstone, found mainly on the island of Madagascar, characterized by highly visible shrinkage cracks. These highly visible cracks, known as Septa, fill with minerals over time.

When the stone is polished, these cracks stand out, giving it a dragon's egg appearance on the outside.

With time, tectonic movements, etc., the nodules can be fractured and new mineral solutions can invade the shrinkage cracks, often calcite.

In our case, Septaria has been polished into an egg shape and the interior has been invaded by a very fine crystallization of calcite. Beautiful crystals.

It's also easy to see why it's called Dragon's Stone: the exterior is very similar to a dragon's egg!

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Ref OSM62: Weight: 7.7kg - Height: 23/24cm It's huge!

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