Morpho DIdius butterfly - Large Naturalist Magnifier - XL
Large Naturalist Magnifier
Species: Morpho Didius butterfly of Peru
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicraft
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicrafts
This beautiful dagger comes from the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea. It has been carefully crafted by Papuan warriors.
The bone has been placed on a display stand from which it can be removed.
Total size with base: 42.5cm
Large Naturalist Magnifier
Species: Morpho Didius butterfly of Peru
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Steampunk Flight of butterflies Napeocles Jucunda et Salamis Parhassus
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Cleoniceras fern ammonite
100 million year old fossil
Entomological box containing a beetle
Species: Heliocopris dominus
Septaria Ball from Madagascar
Large Model
Anatomie de L'Homme - circa 1845
Volume 4 Atlas: Apparatus of nutrition - Angelology - Organs of circulation and respiration
Followed by his Atlas in black and white
By Dr. Bourgery and illustrator Jacob
Entomological box
Composition with South American butterflies
Morpho and heliconius
Entomology bound box
Butterfly: Papilio Antimachus also known as Giant African Swallowtail
The Antimachus is a toxic and enigmatic butterfly
Herbalist's or Pharmacist's jar
Antique blank label of the XVIIIth century
barracuda in it's glass reliquary box - Sphyraena barracuda
Anatomic lithography: "Traité complet de l'Anatomie de l'Homme"
by Dr Bourgery and draughtsman Jacob
Volume 3 - 1844
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicraft