Display for ball or ostrich egg (Large)
High base specially designed to hold a ball or egg
Perfect for ostrich eggs
Not suitable for emu, rhea or swan eggs, for example
Septaria Ball from Madagascar
Large Model
Septaria Ball from Madagascar
Large Model
Septaria is a stone composed of a mixture of yellow calcite and sandstone, found mainly on the island of Madagascar, characterized by highly visible shrinkage cracks. These highly visible cracks, known as Septa, fill with minerals over time.
When the stone is polished, these cracks stand out well, giving it a dragon's egg appearance on the outside, or at least what one imagines a dragon's egg to look like...
With time, tectonic movements, etc., the nodules can be fractured and new mineral solutions can invade the shrinkage cracks, often calcite.
In our case, Septaria has been polished into a ball shape.
Ref SBM GM-A: Weight: 2.6kg - Diameter: 11cm
Sold without the base
You can find available bases by typing ball base or egg base in the site search
High base specially designed to hold a ball or egg
Perfect for ostrich eggs
Not suitable for emu, rhea or swan eggs, for example
Wooden base for ball or sphere - Base - support
168: Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle
Real framed and calligraphed Herbarium
Australian saltwater crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Human jaws in porcelain mounted on a blackened wooden base
Anatomical dental model for dentists
19th century
Naturalist Magnifier: caligo atreus
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
This iron-containing ball was once considered a miracle cure for many ailments and injuries.
The Nancy Ball is sold individually, without a jar
Unavailable today
Leaves butterflies under oval glass bell - Kallima Inachus
Ex-Voto heart in clay by Cuore di Argilla
Italy crafts
A contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional ex-voto, originally a votive offering made to a god in request of a grace or in thanks for a grace obtained after a vow.
The Skeleton Virgin
Large candle: 40cm high
In soy wax
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
barracuda in it's glass reliquary box - Sphyraena barracuda
Aïtos Protective ancestor totem from Timor (Indonesia) with crocodile effigy
Column statue from Indonesia
Mounted on base: 2.70m high
Papuan engraved horse bone dagger
Papuan handicraft
Madagascar sawyer ammonite - Cleoniceras fern ammonite
Cleoniceras fern ammonite
100 million year old fossil
Septaria Ball from Madagascar
Large Model