Dictionnaire Universel des Drogues Simples - By Lemery -...
Dictionnaire Universel des Drogues Simples
Universal dictionnary of Simple Drugs
By Nicolas Lemery
Antique illustrated pharmacopoeia - 1760
Dictionnaire Universel des Drogues Simples
Universal dictionnary of Simple Drugs
By Nicolas Lemery
Antique illustrated pharmacopoeia - 1760
Botany plate by Michel Etienne Descourtilz
From the Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Published in 1827/1833
Painted engraving from the 19th century
Birds - Antique chart by D'Orbigny - 1869
In colors
Atlas of the Universal Dictionary of Natural History
Ancient engraving -board of Natural History in colour nineteenth century
In color. birds.
Engraving by Buffon - Natural History
From Balck Atlas of Œuvres Complètes de Buffon published in 1826
Anatomic lithography: "Traité complet de l'Anatomie de l'Homme"
by Dr Bourgery and draughtsman Jacob
Volume 3 - 1844
Plate - Antique natural history engraving in color
XIXth century
botany - mushroom - snake - bird
Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles - 1782 - By Chomel
Summary of the history of common plants
Blank notebook with black cover - Vegetable paper
Pharmacopée royale galénique et chymique - 1753
Antique and Illustrated Pharmacopoeia
This book contains all the plants, minerals and animals that went to make up the remedies used in those days. Some of them are quite surprising to our modern eyes.
Complete works of BUFFON
Birds Volume 9 with 23 colour plates
published in 1829
Anatomie de L'Homme - circa 1845
Volume 4 Atlas: Apparatus of nutrition - Angelology - Organs of circulation and respiration
Followed by his Atlas in black and white
By Dr. Bourgery and illustrator Jacob
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1891
Volume 4
Anatomical atlas - Nouveaux éléments de médecine opératoire
New elements of operative medicine
By Dr. Velpeau - 1839 - Second edition
Atlas comprising 22 engraved plates, including 1 fold-out, showing the main surgical procedures and a large number of surgical instruments of the period.
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1892
Volume 8
The leather on the spine of the binding is cracked, see photos
Nouveaux élémens de Botanique
Antique botanic book of 1828 - Achille RICHARD
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796