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Crustacean: Common Barnacle - Balanus perforatus
Mounted on a square wooden base
Crustacean: Common Barnacle - Balanus perforatus
Common barnacle shell on wooden base
Perforatus perforatus
The common barnacle is a crustacean found in warm temperate coastal areas of the Atlantic Ocean.
It lives on rocks and other rigid supports in the lower half of the foreshore. It also attaches itself to several animal species, including large crustaceans such as crabs, spiders, etc., as well as to ships' hulls and offshore buoys.
Beautiful violet to pink color.
Mounted on a square wooden base
Base: 8x8cm
Height approx. 12cm Total width: approx. 14cm
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a wooden black base
XL: Total height: 85cm - Wingspan: 70cm
Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata sea urchins
Also known as Sputnik
Under a bell
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Green turbo (or burgo) from Madagascar - Turbo imperialis
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Echinus esculentus
Cold Sea Urchin Test (North Sea)
Hardnose shark jaw - Carcharhinus macloti
Approximately 33cm high and 35cm wide
Common Barnacle shell on Napoleon III base
Perforatus perforatus
Sea Urchin Colobocentrotus atratus
Helmet urchin from Indian Ocean
Ammonite fossil - France
Jurassic period, about 200 to 145 million years ago
Genre: Reineckeia
Large Test of purple green sea urchin: Toxopneustes pileolus
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Crustacean: Common Barnacle - Balanus perforatus
Mounted on a square wooden base