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Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a turned and patinated wooden base, 19th century style
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Gorgonians are very close to corals, they form bushes with a dominant orange-red hue, but the polyps that inhabit them are white with eight tentacles.
Fixed on a substratum like rock, they can be found from the surface to several hundred meters deep.
The gorgonian is fixed on a wooden base turned and patinated, in the XIXth century style.
Total height: 36cm - Wingspan: 39cm
No shipping
barracuda in it's glass reliquary box - Sphyraena barracuda
Crustacean: Common Barnacle - Balanus perforatus
Mounted on a square wooden base
Flame gorgon - Red Whip Coral on pedestal - Ellisella grandis from Indonesia
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Chiloscyllium punctatum
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a wooden black base
XL: Total height: 85cm - Wingspan: 70cm
Sorrah shark jaws - Carcharhinus sorrah
Large Test of purple green sea urchin: Toxopneustes pileolus
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Green turbo (or burgo) from Madagascar - Turbo imperialis
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Natural Red Coral
Tubipora Musica
Sold with a CITES permit valid for the European Union - Shengen area
Cannot be sold outside the European Union
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a turned and patinated wooden base, 19th century style