Shark tooth fossil - Otodus Obliquus - Ref DF18
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Ammonite fossil - France
Jurassic period, about 200 to 145 million years ago
Genre: Reineckeia
Common Barnacle shell on Napoleon III base
Perforatus perforatus
Megalodon tooth fossil - Otodus megalodon
North Carolina USA
Fossil shark tooth
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a turned and patinated wooden base, 19th century style
Green turbo (or burgo) from Madagascar - Turbo imperialis
Scyphocrinus fossil: Sea lilies - 420 million years.
Large Test of purple green sea urchin: Toxopneustes pileolus
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a turned and patinated wooden base, 19th century style
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus