Natural Red Coral - Tubipora Musica - Sold with CITES...
Natural Red Coral
Tubipora Musica
Sold with a CITES permit valid for the European Union - Shengen area
Cannot be sold outside the European Union
Natural Red Coral
Tubipora Musica
Sold with a CITES permit valid for the European Union - Shengen area
Cannot be sold outside the European Union
Echinus esculentus
Cold Sea Urchin Test (North Sea)
Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata sea urchins
Also known as Sputnik
Under a bell
Green turbo (or burgo) from Madagascar - Turbo imperialis
Crustacean: Common Barnacle - Balanus perforatus
Mounted on a square wooden base
Test of sea urchin pencil phyllacanthus imperialis
barracuda in it's glass reliquary box - Sphyraena barracuda
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Large Test of purple green sea urchin: Toxopneustes pileolus
Rostrum of swordfish XL size
Xiphias gladius
Orange lace sea fan on a base
Orange Whip Coral
Mounted on a turned and patinated wooden base, 19th century style
Abalone shellfish - Haliotis nicknamed the sea ears
Also called Paua by the Maoris in New Zealand
Beautiful iridescent blue-green mother-of-pearl
Trocha - Strawberry (Trochus) shell