Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata - Sputnik - Sea...
Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata sea urchins
Also known as Sputnik
Under a bell
Blue starfish on wooden base
H: 45cm
Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata sea urchins
Also known as Sputnik
Under a bell
Abalone shellfish - Haliotis nicknamed the sea ears
Also called Paua by the Maoris in New Zealand
Beautiful iridescent blue-green mother-of-pearl
Slate pencil urchin on base - Heterocentrotus mamillatus
Origin: Indo-Pacific
There are always broken or missing picks
Brown lace sea fan on a base
Brown Whip Coral
Large Test of purple green sea urchin: Toxopneustes pileolus
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Chiloscyllium punctatum
Natural Red Coral
Tubipora Musica
Sold with a CITES permit valid for the European Union - Shengen area
Cannot be sold outside the European Union
Green turbo (or burgo) from Madagascar - Turbo imperialis
Ammonite fossil - France
Jurassic period, about 200 to 145 million years ago
Genre: Reineckeia
Sea Urchin Colobocentrotus atratus
Helmet urchin from Indian Ocean
Sphere in Natural Onyx, also known as "Mexican Marble"
Blue starfish on wooden base
H: 45cm