Brown sea fan on a base - Brown Whip Coral - Ref A
Brown lace sea fan on a base
Brown Whip Coral
Brown lace sea fan on a base
Brown Whip Coral
Hardnose shark jaw - Carcharhinus macloti
Approximately 33cm high and 35cm wide
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Naturalized Small-spotted catshark
Scyliorhinus canicula
The Papal Mitre shell - Mitra papalis
Dimensions: 10/15cm
Trio of small Plococidaris verticillata sea urchins
Also known as Sputnik
Under a bell
Scyphocrinus fossil: Sea lilies - 420 million years.
Echinus esculentus
Cold Sea Urchin Test (North Sea)
Sorrah shark jaws - Carcharhinus sorrah
Blacktip shark jaws - Carcharhinus limbatus
Natural Red Coral
Tubipora Musica
Sold with a CITES permit valid for the European Union - Shengen area
Cannot be sold outside the European Union
Slate pencil urchin on base - Heterocentrotus mamillatus
Origin: Indo-Pacific
There are always broken or missing picks
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Chiloscyllium punctatum