- New
Antique pharmacy - Herbalist jar: Illicium verum (Fruit)...
Antique pharmacy jar: Illicium verum (Fruit) / Star anise
Glass pharmacy bottle - XIXth century
Sulfo-ricinate de Soude - Antique Pharmacy Bottle -...
Sulfo-ricinate de Soude
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Antique wooden box for herbal medicine - Samples of...
Antique wooden box for herbal medicine - Samples of plants, seeds, bark etc.
Antique surgical board from Benjamin Bell's Complete...
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Arséniate de Fer - Antique pharmacy bottle - Apothecary
Arséniate de Fer
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
"Tarnier" Forceps - Collin: manufacturer of surgical...
"Tarnier" Forceps - COLLIN: french manufacturer of surgical instruments
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
This iron-containing ball was once considered a miracle cure for many ailments and injuries.
The Nancy Ball is sold individually, without a jar
Unavailable today
Metal box of breath mints with cocaine - Cocaïne box
Metal box of breath mints with cocaine
Cocaïne box from 1920/1930's
Antique surgical board from Benjamin Bell's Complete...
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Mineraline by Dr C. Baud - Antique tin pharmacy box - Ref A
Mineraline by Dr C. Baud
Antique tin pharmacy box
Powder or talcum powder for children's toiletries
Cumin Epicea Pill - Pil: Cum Picea - Antique blown glass...
Cumin Epicea Pill - Pil: Cum Picea
Antique blown glass pharmacy jar
Mineraline by Dr C. Baud - Antique tin pharmacy box - Ref B
Mineraline by Dr C. Baud
Antique tin pharmacy box
Powder or talcum powder for children's toiletries
Clastic Mannequin - Dr. Auzoux's anatomical skinned
Clastic Mannequin - Dr. Auzoux's anatomical skinned
Dr Potain's vacuum cleaner in its case - End of 19th century
Dr Potain vacuum cleaner in its felt case
Late 19th century - Early 20th century
With an explanatory leaflet
From Lafay House Manufacturer: Surgical Instruments in Lyon
The Anatomy by Heister - 1753 - Volume 3 with 7 plates -...
The Anatomy by Heister
Volume 3 only
Published in 1753
Complete with 7 fold-out plates at the end of the book