Boldo leaf fluid extract - Antique pharmacy bottle -...
Boldo leaf fluid extract
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Boldo leaf fluid extract
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Bulb for hypodermic injection - Camphor (circa 1920)
various manufacturers
Bulb for hypodermic injection - Camphor (circa 1920)
Cinnamon Water
Antique and large brown English pharmacy bottle
"Tarnier" Forceps - COLLIN: french manufacturer of surgical instruments
Gastric burns and stomach ulcers - Gastric bandage
Wooden box from the 1930s
Grams / Tablespoons - Graduated bottle
in French: Grammes / Cuillères à soupe
Antique medicine bottle
Kalium Sulfogaiacol: Potassium guaiacol sulfonate
Antique blown-glass pharmacy bottle
Pharmacopée royale galénique et chymique - 1753
Antique and Illustrated Pharmacopoeia
This book contains all the plants, minerals and animals that went to make up the remedies used in those days. Some of them are quite surprising to our modern eyes.
An antique absinthe topette (decanter)
3 Beaded Topette
Herbalist's or Pharmacist's jar
Antique blank label of the XVIIIth century
Castel - Michel perfumers
Antique perfume bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique pharmacy jar: Asa-foetida (Gum resin) / Asafetida
Glass pharmacy bottle - XIXth century
Antique brass drum microscope
XIXth century
Without box