Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Antique pharmacy jar: Illicium verum (Fruit) / Star anise
Glass pharmacy bottle - XIXth century
Antique brown glass bottle with integrated pipette - Ref B
Apothecary - Pharmacy
The pipettes have either been broken or shortened because they are too short
Grindelia Tincture
Antique medicine bottle
Antique Guyon bladder syringe in bakelite
Beginning of XXth century
Bearded dragon - Pogona vitticeps - Bearded agama
Museum jar - Wet specimen
Antique pharmacy jar: Lignum Quillayae Saponaria - Panama wood - 19th century
Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles - 1782 - By Chomel
Summary of the history of common plants
Hypophosphite de Manganèse
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
The Anatomy by Heister
Volume 3 only
Published in 1753
Complete with 7 fold-out plates at the end of the book
Bulb for hypodermic injection - Camphor (circa 1920)
Collyre (eye drops)
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique 19th century pharmacy bottle
Radix althaeae Off - Marshmallow
Vegetable-animal liqueur
Antique medicine bottle
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé, circa 1930
Anatomical skin
In vulcanized and painted rubber
Inspired by the famous death mask from L'Inconnue de la Seine
Soufre sublimé - Sublimed sulfur
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle