- New

Injection kit syringe in its sterilisable cylinder
Aesculap Isocel
From the 1960s
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1890
Volume 1
Vincent Delabrierre Perfumery
Crème de Lys (Lily cold cream)
Old earthenware ointment jar
19th century
Motto: I make lilies bloom and colour roses
Gum arabic
Antique pharmacy bottle with bakelite cap
Antique glass dropper in white glass - 30ml
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Heart-shaped stopper
Aegyptiac Ointment
From VERNIN Laboratories
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Antique 19th century pharmacy bottle
Radix althaeae Off - Marshmallow
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1890
Volume 2
Antique glass dropper in white glass - 45ml
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Heart-shaped stopper
Solution N°153
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Hydrastis canadensis fluid extract
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Morphine oil
Antique glass medicine jar with spout under a bell
19th century
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Sirop d'Iodure de fer
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial