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Antique dissecting box in its wooden case - Fabrik Paul Vogel


Antique dissecting box in cloth-covered wooden case

The inner label indicates Fabrik Paul Vogel, i.e. German-made instruments.


Antique dissecting box in cloth-covered wooden case

The inner label indicates Fabrik Paul Vogel, i.e. German-made instruments.

The rest of the label is illegible.

Fabric-covered wooden case

9 instruments, including 5 with ebony handles. Plus glass rods and glass slides.

After the discovery of the importance of hygiene and sterilization - wood being a veritable hotbed of germs and bacteria of all kinds - it was banned from the manufacture of surgical instruments in the second half of the 19th century.

But ebony continued to be used for dissection, as shown here. Scalpels and dissection needles with ebony handles can still be found in Boubée's 1938 catalog, for example.

Not all the instruments are original, but I think those with ebony handles are.

There's even a small steel dental mirror.

Box dimensions: 21x9.5cm