Traité de Chirurgie - By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay -...
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1890
Volume 2
Angelica Archangelica
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Late 19th century, early 20th century
Angelica Archangelica
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Late 19th century, early 20th century
Mouth-blown glass as the abraded depression of the cane's pontil remains under the jar.
Black and gold label
Sheet metal stopper
Diameter 10cm. Height with cap 23cm
The label is damaged
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1890
Volume 2
Grams / Tablespoons - Graduated bottle
in French: Grammes / Cuillères à soupe
Antique medicine bottle
Antique pharmacy jar: Illicium verum (Fruit) / Star anise
Glass pharmacy bottle - XIXth century
Essence de ...
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Sparteine sulphate
Used as a tonic for nervous syndromes at the very beginning of the 20th century, sparteine was also used to facilitate morphine withdrawal.
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Some product left inside
Toothpaste - Antique apothecary
Porcelain pot with illustrated plastic lid
Early 20th century - Caution the lid is cracked
Vegetable-animal liqueur
Antique medicine bottle
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
A Treatise on Surgery
By Dr Reclus and Dr Duplay
Antique illustrated book from 1890
Volume 1
Pilules Basques
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
L'Albert Moderne ou nouveaux secrets éprouvées et licites - Grimoire book of 1768
by Pons Augustin Alletz
Published by Veuve Duchesne, Bookseller rue St Jacques, Au temple du Goût
The Anatomy by Heister
Complete with its 14 folding boards at the end of the book
Published in 1735
Antique pharmacy jar: Sodium bicarbonate and Gold Flower tablets
Glass pharmacy bottle - XIXth century
Essence of violets
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique brown glass bottle
Teinture d'Iode ETOILE
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Angelica Archangelica
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Late 19th century, early 20th century