Wooden box of 2 Crins de Florence in glass tube - Catgut...
Wooden box of 2 Crins de Florence in glass tube - Antique suture thread
Natural suture thread obtained from the caterpillar of the Bombyx mori butterfly.
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Camphor Oil - Antique box for hypodermic injection...
Pharmacy cardboard box for hypodermic injection ampoules
Camphor oil - EMPTY box
Early 20th century
From MERAM hypodermic laboratories - Injectable medication
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
This iron-containing ball was once considered a miracle cure for many ailments and injuries.
The Nancy Ball is sold individually, without a jar
Unavailable today
Sydenham Laudanum bottle - Antique medicine poison bottle...
Sydenham Laudanum bottle
Antique pharmacy bottle - Apothecary
Laudanum is a highly addictive alcoholic tincture of opium
Codeine iodide - Antique pharmacy bottle - Poison - Toxic
Codeine iodide
Antique pharmacy bottle - Poison - Toxic
Angelica Archangelica - Pharmacy jar - Herbalism -...
Angelica Archangelica
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Late 19th century, early 20th century
Hypophosphite de Manganèse - Antique pharmacy bottle -...
Hypophosphite de Manganèse
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique surgical board from Benjamin Bell's Complete...
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Benzine rectifiée - Antique pharmacy bottle - Apothecary
Benzine rectifiée
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Superfine Essence of Bourbon Clove - Antique pharmacy...
Superfine Essence of Bourbon Clove
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Soap box - A la Reine des Abeilles- Perfumer VIOLET -...
Empty soap box
A la Reine des Abeilles- Perfumer VIOLET - Paris
Second Empire (1852-1870)
Hydrogen peroxide - Antique pharmacy bottle - Apothecary
Hydrogen peroxide
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Dr Potain's vacuum cleaner in its case - End of 19th century
Dr Potain vacuum cleaner in its felt case
Late 19th century - Early 20th century
With an explanatory leaflet
From Lafay House Manufacturer: Surgical Instruments in Lyon