Antique jar for wet specimen storage - Size S
Antique jar for wet specimen storage
Size S
Antique jar for wet specimen storage
Size S
Anatomy of Man by Cloquet
Anatomical lithography in black and white
The plates date from circa 1852
Stamp of the Franco-Belgian Literary and Artistic Convention of 22 August 1852
Herbalist's or Pharmacist's jar
Antique blank label of the XVIIIth century
19th century Herbalist's or Pharmacy crystal jar
Metal box of breath mints with cocaine
Box of pastilles Menthol-Borate-Cocaïne-Stovaïne from CPF Laboratories
Cumin Epicea Pill - Pil: Cum Picea
Antique blown glass pharmacy jar
Antique medicine box in canvas cardboard
Size M
Golden crocodile - Pharmacy corkscrew in cast iron
XIXth century
Antique medicine box in canvas cardboard
Size L
Antique surgical board
From Benjamin Bell's Complete Course in Surgery, published in 1796
Anatomie de L'Homme - circa 1845
Volume 4 Atlas: Apparatus of nutrition - Angelology - Organs of circulation and respiration
Followed by his Atlas in black and white
By Dr. Bourgery and illustrator Jacob
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé, circa 1930
Anatomical skin
In vulcanized and painted rubber
Inspired by the famous death mask from L'Inconnue de la Seine
Blé empoisonné - Poisoned wheat
Empty tube - Antique vial
Antique pharmacy bottle
La Madone - Alcohol refinery
Apothecary vial
Antique brown glass bottle
Teinture d'Iode ETOILE
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Hypodermic Pravaz syringe - 19th century
Glass and metal syringe in it's case
The glass is broken in several places
not functional
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Silver medal at Paris 1889