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Reliquary box - 19th century
Jewelry box
Unusual shape with 7 glazed sides
Grams / Tablespoons - Graduated bottle
in French: Grammes / Cuillères à soupe
Antique medicine bottle
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé, circa 1930
Anatomical skin
In vulcanized and painted rubber
Inspired by the famous death mask from L'Inconnue de la Seine
Absinthe sugar bowl - Bistro item
Cup on pedestal in silver plated metal
Boldo leaf fluid extract
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Cumin Epicea Pill - Pil: Cum Picea
Antique blown glass pharmacy jar
Botany plate by Michel Etienne Descourtilz
From the Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.
Published in 1827/1833
Painted engraving from the 19th century
School canvas poster
Hagemann educational material publishing house in Düsseldorf
Printed in 1976
Antique glass dropper in white glass - 30ml
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Heart-shaped stopper
Dry sodium iodide
Antique pharmacy bottle - drugstore - apothecary
Antique Guyon bladder syringe in bakelite
Beginning of XXth century
Antique pharmacy bottle
La Madone - Alcohol refinery
Apothecary vial
Essence de ...
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Bulb for hypodermic injection - Camphor (circa 1920)
Empty soap box
A la Reine des Abeilles- Perfumer VIOLET - Paris
Second Empire (1852-1870)
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Reliquary box - 19th century
Jewelry box
Unusual shape with 7 glazed sides