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Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model A - 9 months
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model A
Inscription: 9 mois (months)
From 1830 onwards, Dr Louis Auzoux developed the industrial production of dismantlable anatomical models for human or animal parts in papier-mâché, known as clastic anatomy models (from the Greek to break into pieces).
Much lighter than plaster or wooden models, and less expensive than wax models. His secret to making his pieces light and easy to handle without being too fragile lies in the way he makes his paste and adds cork powder.
In this way, he met the strong demand for human or animal models for teaching purposes in schools.
Dr Auzoux died in 1878, and the business was taken over by his widow and nephews. In 1926, it was bought by Henri Barral, who merged it with Maison Vasseur-Tramond, which specialised in ceroplasty (wax models). From 1959 onwards, the arrival of synthetic resins meant that papier-mâché anatomical models were gradually abandoned.
Height: 20cm - Diameter: 9cm
Chips in the black lacquer on the painted wooden base and chips in the paint on the papier-mâché in places, but the piece is in good condition.
Wall decoration of Pompeii - Herculaneum mosaics: Chromolithographic plate
By Wilhelm Zahn
Published between 1832 and 1849
Metal box of breath mints with cocaine
Box of pastilles Menthol-Borate-Cocaïne-Stovaïne from CPF Laboratories
Cumin Epicea Pill - Pil: Cum Picea
Antique blown glass pharmacy jar
Injection kit syringe in its sterilisable cylinder
Aesculap Isocel
From the 1960s
ADRECTAL Suppositories for haemorrhoids, opium-based
Antique tin medicine box
Corricide Mille
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Vegetable-animal liqueur
Antique medicine bottle
Antique object from the 19th century
A nicely patinated wooden pedestal, the center of which contains an agate I think, a hollowed-out stone forming a small mortar within this small pedestal.
Mortar pedestal
19th century Herbalist's or Pharmacy crystal jar
Museum jar - Wet specimen
Soft coral Alcyonium palmatum
Atlas of descriptive anatomy of the human body
Anatomy board
By Doctors Bonamy and Paul Broca
Draftsman: Emile BEAU
Published on July 1st 1854
Violet de Méthyle
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Sulfo-ricinate de Soude
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Arséniate de Fer
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique wooden box for herbal medicine - Samples of plants, seeds, bark etc.
Anatomy of Man by Cloquet
Anatomical lithography in black and white
The plates date from circa 1852
Stamp of the Franco-Belgian Literary and Artistic Convention of 22 August 1852
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model A - 9 months