Hypophosphite de Manganèse - Antique pharmacy bottle -...
Hypophosphite de Manganèse
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Antique preparation slide for microscope - OPTICO
Glass plate covered with paper with the logo of the company OPTICO PARIS
Several subjects:
-Pollen of lily
-Pollen of daisy
-Bee's wing
-Bumblebee wing
-Fly's wing
-Fly's paw
-Ant's paw
-Bumblebee's paw
-Flea's paw
-Pigeon feather
Dimensions: 5.5x2cm
You buy 1 blade, not the whole set
Hypophosphite de Manganèse
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Blé empoisonné - Poisoned wheat
Empty tube - Antique vial
Antique glass dropper in white glass - 30ml
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Heart-shaped stopper
Antique pharmacy glass bottle
ROCHE Syrup with Thiocol
Apothecary - Pharmacy
Metal box of breath mints with cocaine
Cocaïne box from 1920/1930's
Antique Apothecary jar
Pharmacy bottle
Anatomic lithography: "Traité complet de l'Anatomie de l'Homme"
by Dr Bourgery and draughtsman Jacob
Volume 3 - 1844
Art Nouveau candlestick in bronze
Leaves, bunches of grapes and snail motifs
Late 19th century - Early 20th century
Boule de Nancy - Genuine Mars Vulnerary Ball - Steel Ball
This iron-containing ball was once considered a miracle cure for many ailments and injuries.
The Nancy Ball is sold individually, without a jar
Unavailable today
Crin de Florence - Antique suture thread
Natural suture thread obtained from the caterpillar of the Bombyx mori butterfly.
Sparteine sulphate
Used as a tonic for nervous syndromes at the very beginning of the 20th century, sparteine was also used to facilitate morphine withdrawal.
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial
Some product left inside
Antique study mask by Simonne Laubé, circa 1930
Anatomical skin
In vulcanized and painted rubber
Inspired by the famous death mask from L'Inconnue de la Seine
Aegyptiac Ointment
From VERNIN Laboratories
Pharmacy jar - Herbalism - Apothecary bottle
Articulated skeleton of a rabbit's foot
Antique mounting - JEULIN
Chlorate de Sodium / Chlorate de Soude
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial