Librorum - Antic books

The shop's library, where you'll find old books collected here and there

Mainly on natural history, medicine, anatomy, entomology and botany.

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Cours d'opérations de chirurgie - Surgical courses - by...

Cours d'opérations de chirurgie, démontrées au Jardin Royal

Course of surgical operations, demonstrated in the Royal Garden

Published in 1751 in Paris, by d'Houry, sole printer and bookseller to Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans

Fourth edition

Illustrated with numerous plates and engravings in the text, including the famous plate of Poor Malabou and her scrotal elephantiasis on page 112/113, which the author mentions on page 373.

Price €280.00

Botanical Plate - By Descourtilz - Flore pittoresque et...

Botany plate by Michel Etienne Descourtilz

From the Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises.

Published in 1827/1833

Painted engraving from the 19th century

Price €20.00