Violet de Méthyle - Antique Pharmacy Bottle - Apothecary
Violet de Méthyle
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
The Alchemist's lair
Pharmacy, apothecary or laboratory bottles
Antique medical and surgical instruments
There are 152 products.
Violet de Méthyle
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Dry sodium iodide
Antique pharmacy bottle - drugstore - apothecary
Golden crocodile - Pharmacy corkscrew in cast iron
XIXth century
Antique pharmacy bottle - Droguerie - Apothicaire
Silver medal at Paris 1889
Blé empoisonné - Poisoned wheat
Empty tube - Antique vial
L'Albert Moderne ou nouveaux secrets éprouvées et licites - Grimoire book of 1768
by Pons Augustin Alletz
Published by Veuve Duchesne, Bookseller rue St Jacques, Au temple du Goût
Gum arabic
Antique pharmacy bottle with bakelite cap
Cinnamon Water
Antique and large brown English pharmacy bottle
Potassium Bromide Elixir
Antique and large brown English pharmacy bottle
Herbalist's or Pharmacist's jar
Antique blank label of the XVIIIth century
BYLA - Antique Pharmacy bottle in amber glass
Abrégé de l'histoire des plantes usuelles - 1782 - By Chomel
Summary of the history of common plants