Antique bottle of cod liver oil from Norway - Antique...
Antique bottle of cod liver oil from Norway
Antique label with bright colours
There are 579 products.
Antique bottle of cod liver oil from Norway
Antique label with bright colours
Butterflies composition
Entomological box 26x39cm
Composed of butterflies: Morpho didius - Cymothoe sangaris - Junonia rhadama
Red-eared slider turtle
Wet specimen in fluid
Trachemys scripta elegans
Leopard gecko
Wet specimen in fluid
Eublepharis macularius
Domestic pig
Wet specimen in fluid
Sus scrofa domesticus
Helmeted guineafowl bird skull in box
Numida meleagris
Plexiglass box with black background
Dog skull spp - Canis familiaris
1 tooth missing from the front: see photos
Nutria skull - Coypu skull- Myocastor coypus
Illustration pictures
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc...
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes etc...
Beech marten Skull - Martes foina
Illustration pictures
All skulls are different in size, color, teeth etc...
Some skulls may have missing, worn, cracked or broken teeth, holes etc...
Australian saltwater crocodile egg - Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area
Australian saltwater crocodile skull: Crocodylus porosus
Estuary crocodile
With its CITES permit
Can only be sold in the European Union- Shengen Area