Morphine oil - Antique glass medicine jar - 19th century
Morphine oil
Antique glass medicine jar with spout under a bell
19th century
Objects that have already lived several lives and are always ready to tell their story to those who know how to listen and look
There are 178 products.
Morphine oil
Antique glass medicine jar with spout under a bell
19th century
Syringe for antidiphtheria serum: Dr Roux's method
Metal box containing a syringe - Early 20th century
Doctor Louis Jubé pure blood transfusion syringe
For arm-to-arm transfusions
In its metal box
Around 1925/1930
Antique gilded bronze paper-knife in the shape of a bird's leg clutching a feather
Period XIXth century
Antique brass drum microscope with a magnifying glass on an articulated arm
XIXth century
Without box
Toothpaste - Antique apothecary
Porcelain pot with illustrated plastic lid
Early 20th century - Caution the lid is cracked
Antique painted plywood panel
Skull and crossbones with barbed wire
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model B - 1 year
Lower part of the lower mandible of a horse jaw
Antique model from Maison Auzoux in Paris
Paper-mâché pedagogical model
Model A - 9 months
Antique metal bladder syringe of Dr Guyon
Beginning of XXth century
Guide du Naturaliste Préparateur - Guide for the Preparing Naturalist and the Scientific Traveller
Or instructions for the research, preparation, transport and conservation of animals, plants, minerals, fossils and living organisms and for histological and anthropological studies.
by G. Capus
Second edition - 1883
Essence of star anise
Antique pharmacy bottle
Apothecary vial